1996 - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule.
1998 - Battle Magic.
way more Helter Skelter.
November 25, 1996 - 2021: 25 years of: Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule.
Epic epicness of epic proportions !
From England, them again, comes the audacious eerie crusade of Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule. The immortal BATHORY initiated the migration into viking-metal with 1990's Hammerheart CD, we now dwell beyond after forever ...please welcome, the symphonic lone wolfs of medieval-metal: BAL-SAGOTH.
The cold and bombastic "Black Dragons Soar Above The Mountain Of Shadows (Prologue)" intro sets the mood and "To Dethrone The Witch-Queen Of Mytos K'unn (The Legend Of The Battle Of Blackhelm Vale)" kicks the celebrations into full Armageddon. Galloping rhythms and symphonic keyboards usually never mixes, yet the warriors of BAL-SAGOTH crafts pure metal-magic. Metal-wise, hints of MANOWAR and darkness-wise, hints of MORTIIS ...yes it's that wide.
The "Journey To The Isle Of Mists (Over The Moonless Depths Of Night-Dark Seas)" interlude resets the pace for the gigantic "And Lo, When The Imperium Marches Against Gul-Kothoth, Then Dark Sorceries Shall Enshroud The Citadel Of The Obsidian Crown" to take over any standing souls left. Majestic moods and magical themes, just like the Legend and Indiana Jones movie-scores ...just add Euro-powermetal wizardry to the equation. Classic-wise, hints of Gustav Holst and horror-wise, hints of Wendy Carlos ...yes it's that wide.
The lenghty song-titles are an attraction on their own. No other band has yet to push the epicness into Biblical proportion such as these brigand Brits. Not actual blackmetal, not actual powermetal, but all the esthetics and production-tone of, all packaged under the Dungeons & Dragons board-game mindset: Magic-Metal is here !
From the icy hills of the Hyperborean lands, they bring you swords, snow and infinite winds. The grandiose experience of BAL-SAGOTH, the sights and sounds of the Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule CD is a unique stand-alone show-stopper. Nothing comes even close.
The cover-art is a Joe Petagno creation, the same artist from the long-lasting MOTÖRHEAD legacy. The initial trilogy shall conclude on 1998's gnome infested Battle Magic CD.
Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule = full CD
Live in Switzerland in 1997
some guy
March 31, 1998 - 2023: 25 years of: Battle Magic.
Walk deeper into the forest.
Great-Britain is again setting the pace for new scary outlooks. Following 1996's Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule CD, more epic fairytales shall be put to tape. Unhinged by the current blackmetal and modern powermetal RPMs ...BAL-SAGOTH crafts more nihilist: Magic-Metal.
The spell is cast, as soon as the title-track intro for "Battle Magic" engulfs us. The wicked journey rocks with "Naked Steel (The Warrior's Saga)" and "A Tale From The Deep Woods" ...two high paced dark powermetal epics. Melodic blackend-metal goes mid-evil times.
Druids and Elves gather for a sacred rite on "Return To The Praesidium Of Ys", while the mesmerizing melodies of "When Rides The Scion Of Storms" elevates this unit very close to the Ancients Ones.
The blue-flamed fire burns high into the midnight sky on "The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed At The Ensorcelled Shrine Of A'Zura-Kai (The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire Part II)" ...a grandiose metal landscape not only by it's tour-de-force title, but also by it's driving synths.
A fearless frolic, filled with chants and classicmetal hardware. At the glade, our squadron was eventually sponsored by UK's Battle Orders, the band was now fully geared for war. The next sonic strike shall aim for astral territories: 1999's The Power Cosmic CD.
Battle Magic = full CD
some guy

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