1988 - In Battle There Is No Law !
1989 - Realm Of Chaos.
way more Helter Skelter.

June 12, 1988 - 2023: 35 years of: In Battle There Is No Law !
Throw those damn bolts !
Oh glorious 1988 Great-Britain, the apex of DIY grindcore and melting-point between hardcorepunk and speedmetal. From the West Midlands arise a from beyond machine from the darkest corner of your mind: BOLT THROWER.
Make a statement, especially in this record-industry, where all styles clashed in the late 80s: thrashmetal and new-comers deathmetal. England led the way with NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS and BOLT THROWER.
Extremities are pushed to the test as the title-track "In Battle There Is No Law" crushes everything under it's wheel. Fat and relentless, the drums are rolling hard on "Challenge For Power" and the grind of "Attack In The Aftermath" ...resistance is fucking futile. The bloody British battery blasts on "Denial Of Destiny and the lovely appropriately titled Word War Three ending of "Nuclear Annihilation".
Mega-fans of role-playing dungeon games, the madness would soon bloom into incorporating mid-evil gnomes and mutant warriors alike into the raw grinding meltdown.
Released on small label Vinyl Solution Records, the band would soon get the attention of extreme stalwart death / grind powerhouse: Earache Records. Their next power-punch would arise in 1989, the chaotic battleground of Realm Of Chaos LP.
The death / grind scene in 1988: a lawless battle !
RIP Martin Kearns (1977-2015)
In Battle There Is No Law ! = full LP
Line in Birmingham in 1988

October 28, 1989 - 2024: 35 years of: Realm Of Chaos (Slaves To Darkness)
In chaos there's no law !
Deathgrind never sounded so primitive. Great-Britain's steamroller have been throwing bolts since their underground In Battle There's No Law ! debut-LP. Released just before the height of the deathmetal explosion, 1989's Realm Of Chaos LP displays a more mature skill-set and fatter production. This is BOLT THROWER's divine cult offering.
The sludgy "Eternal War" wrecks havoc while "Through The Eyes Of Terror" and "All That Remains" are both signature doom-death tracks. Sickly downtuned guitars and menacing metal that prepares the crowd for a Barbarossa-type berserk.
The faster "Plague Bearer" and fan-favorite cyanide-flavored "World-Eater" are mosh-pit carnage creators as the tension slowly builds-up into the explosive mayhem massacre that ensues.
Fans of board-games will immediately take notice of BOLT THROWER's choice of elaborate album-covers. Inspired from the Warhammer 40,000 brand, the band mixed the visuals and fantasy-themes in a very unique metal-blend. No Satan, no blood, no guts, no skulls ...yet nothing else screams brutal-deathmetal like two inches play-along pewter figurines.
In this realm of deathmetal chaos, the Brit battalion shall launch another air-strike with 1991's War Master CD.
Realm Of Chaos = full LP
Live in Nottingham in 1989

#Death-Metal 1988-92

#Death-Metal EU 1991

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