FORD, Lita
way more Helter Skelter.

February 2, 1988 - 2023: 35 years of: Lita.
Blondes have more fun ...from runaway-girls to metal-queens !
From teen-angst activities of legendary all-female rebelicious streetrock act THE RUNAWAYS blazing lead-guitar solo-Charting LPs: Lita Ford is the first official hardrock lady of the pack.
19-FUCKING-88, the epitome of the glamrock craze: big choruses, big hair, big eye-liner, big lipstick and big make-up ...and those are just from the dudes in the bands ! Yet in this all-male dominated arena, beside the naughty groupies, no room for ladies ...or was there ? Following THE RUNAWAYS's acrimonious disintegration, Lita went solo. After a couple of lukewarm received LPs in the early 80s, album number three, 1988's Lita, remains her most acclaimed achievement.
The suave opener "Back To The Cave" sets the mood as she tip-toes with some nice lead fret-work. The fast-n-furious double-bass "Can't Catch Me" is all speed rhythm, spiting fire on every verse ...that's one reliable Ford-engine that won't stop. The MTV darling signature-anthem "Kiss Me Deadly" became an instant classic. "Fatal Passion" is another heavy-pounding number that could've easily been attributed to AC/DC, yet Lita is fully in charge, while the mid-paced progressive "Broken Dreams" reeks glamrock perfection.
But when all is said and sung, the LPs center-piece features a very special unlikely guest in the Prince Of Darkness himself: Mister Ozzy Osbourne. The stunning powerballad "Close My Eyes Forever" is the first male / female duet in the hardrock genre. The acoustic-guitar intro welcomes Ford's velvety vocals while Osbourne's reply stings another twist in the plot. The palpable tension builds up to epic proportion and eventually climaxes with Lita's 6-string mesmerizing lead-melody. Beauty in madness and certified one of the greatest hardrock ballads of this euphoric era.
Frontwomen, singer, guitarist and composer, in the history-books, Mrs. Ford will forever be the heavymetal-queen of the 80s, kicking serious ass in spike-heeled boots. RIAA-certified double-Platinum, Lita will slap the boys around one more time with 1990's stunning sexy Stiletto CD.
"I went to a party Saturday nite..."
Kiss Me Deadly = video
Close My Eyes Forever = video
Back To The Cave = video
Lita = full LP
Interview at MuchMusic in 1988
Live in Germany in 1988

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