BOND ...James Bond.
1962 - Dr. No.
1964 - Goldfinger.
1967 - You Only Live Twice.
1977 - The Spy Who Loved Me.
1983 - James Bond - 13 Original Themes.
1985 - A View To A Kill.
more James Bond.
way more Helter Skelter.

October 5, 1962 - 2022: 60 years of: Dr. No.
Sixty rich years of 007 ...on the silver-screen.
Ex-member of the British Navy turned writer Ian Flemming, had already been sharing his vision on paper for his utopic portrayal of the unstoppable English super-superhero. Released post-WWII, 1952's Casino Royale is the first novel, that would span a legacy totaling twelve books. All of these wicked adventures would eventually be incarnated through motion-pictures. Round One ...1958's Dr. No.
This early rendition of James Bond features the classic signatures that we now take for granted. Most of the distinctive key elements are fully present:
- The opening gun-barrel theme,
- The meeting with M, MoneyPenny, Q and even CIA's Felix,
- The maniacal world-domination hungry antagonist in his eleborate hidden base of operation,
- The SPECTRE Organization
...and obviously, the iconic eye-candy lethal super-lady: the Bond Girl.
The reclusive Doctor, is bound to take over US military space rockets, intended for his dark destructive purposes. Deep into real-life Cold War, this nuclear pattern would also rule the upcoming 20+ years of 007 Vs evil ventures.
Enter Connery ...Sean Connery.
Enter Bond ...James Bond.
The Scottish rising actor was somewhat of a last choice. History has since proved that his casting has become the face of James Bond, the initial face of the 60 year old franchise and one of the most respected men in cinema. Ladies and Gentlemen, here is His Majesty's Secret Service first movie appearance: James Bond against Dr. No.
"Looking for shells ?"
"No I'm just looking."
RIP Ian Flemming (1908-1964)
RIP John Kitzmiller AKA Quarrel (1913-1965)
RIP Jack Lord AKA Felix (1920-1998)
RIP Joseph Wiseman AKA Dr. No (1918-2009)
The James Bond Theme
Dr. No = movie-trailer

September 18, 1964 - 2024: 60 years of: Goldfinger.
The ultimate 24K classic.
Movie number three is were the now archetypal Bond is set in stone. Our loyal Royal Navy Commander lands in the Red, White & Blue ...and literally breaks the bank. Time for: Operation Grand Slam.
Auric Goldfinger likes gold and owns alot of it. When James Bond inquires on his businesses, he's met with courtesy and opposition. Behind his solid facade, Goldfinger doesn't want to capture America's gold, but intend to eliminate it. Making his current fortune the biggest asset in the world global finance. The target is clear, eradicate the US Bullion Depository: Fort Knox.
After 1963's From Russia With Love and before 1965's Thunderball, Goldfinger shines with pride, as the first of many colossal operations, led by an over-confided narcissic nefarious billionaire.
"Shocking." - James
And more immortal 007-signatures are hatched: the fan-favorite silver Aston Martin DB5 presented in it's full glory by fan-favorite super-tech weapon-specialist Q, the fan-favorite super-blonde with an attitude Pussy Galore ...and real-life Korean muscle man turned menacing mute man: Oddjob.
"No Mister Bond, I expect you to die !" - Auric Goldfinger
RIP Bernard Lee AKA M (1908-1981)
RIP Harold Sakata AKA Oddjob (1920-1982)
RIP Gert Fröbe AKA Goldfinger (1913-1988)
RIP Cec Linder AKA Felix (1921-1992)
RIP Desmond Llewelyn AKA Q (1914-1999)
RIP Lois Maxwell AKA Moneypenny (1927-2007)
RIP Martin Benson AKA Mr. Solo (1918-2010)
RIP Tania Mallet AKA Tilly (1941-2019)
RIP Honor Blackman AKA Pussy (1925-2020)
RIP Sean Connery (1930-2020)
Goldfinger = movie-trailer
The DB5
Goldfinger = full soundtrack

June 13, 1967 - 2022: 55 years of: You Only Live Twice.
"Hahaha, welcome to Japan Mister Bond."
Everything's bigger in the land of the rising sun. High from the stratosphere, the biggest robbery occurred, twice. Both American and Soviet rockets are being captured into oblivion.
Where are they now ?
Who's behind this demonic plan ?
How could they do this ?
Way more questions than answers ...and now, the two super-powers accusing each other are really fighting against: #1
Caught between rising global tensions, UK's best goes on a manhunt that leads him into remote Japanese islands ...and now we finally get to see him. The voice, the silhouette, the Persian cat, the faceless smooth criminal ...he is the mastermind of the SPECTRE Organization:
"James Bond, allow me to introduce myself: I am Ernst Stavro Blodfeld."
In the Cold War era, initial death, fights, passion and grandiose plays are all part of Bond's fifth adventure on the silver-screen. Stolen space-ships in an emptied volcano turned into a landing-pad, a battle of ninjas and a 6' 2" suave British agent. After the universally acclaimed classic 1965 Thunderball, just like the Beatlemania, the 007-franchise could do no wrong.
"This organization does not tolerate failure."
RIP Bernard Lee AKA M (1908-1981)
RIP Teru Shimada AKA Mr. Osato (1905-1988)
RIP Donald Pleasence OBE AKA Ernst Stavro Blodfeld (1919-1995)
RIP Desmond Llewelyn AKA Q (1914-1999)
RIP Charles Gray AKA Henderson (1928-2000)
RIP Tetsuro Tamba AKA Tanaka (1922-2006)
RIP Lois Maxwell AKA Moneypenny (1927-2007)
RIP Karin Dor AKA Helga (1938-2017)
RIP Sean Connery (1930-2020)
You Only Live Twice = opening theme
You Only Live Twice = movie-trailer
You Only Live Twice = film score
You Only Live Twice in 10 minutes
Little Nellie

July 13, 1977 - 2022: 45 years of: The Spy Who Loved Me.
A union made ...shaken, but not stirred.
Disappearing top-secret American and Soviet nuclear submarines in plain sight, who could be behind this evilness ? The Super Powers unite: the United Kingdom sends James Bond ...while the CCCP sends their best agent: Agent XXX. A lovely killer, portrayed by the lovely Barbara Bach, paired with 007 so you know this team will make sparks fly.
In Egypt and at the bottom of the sea, they meet Karl Stromberg, a crazed man hell bent in creating an underwater society, after a WW3 downfall, initiated from the stolen submarines. A mega plan with mega consequences.
And for extra security, Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome into pop-culture: Jaws !
No not the stealth man-biting shark, but the 7'2'' metal-teeth wearing mindless killing-machine. Instantaneously, this character would become one of the world's most recognized henchmen and a fan-favorite amongst the Bond-franchise. So popular, that actor Richard Kiel would reprise the role in 1979's Moonraker fiasco.
The gloom of worldwide nuclear warfare and UK-man + USSR-lady working hand-in-hand against an iconic indestructable steel-chewing giant. James Bond's tenth movie in the series is filled with the utmost massive excitement. So gigantic, that a special-studio had to be built around the props to recreate the inside of the Liparus, the supertanker: the still used today 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios near London.
Oh and did we mentioned the posh Lotus Esprit: the sexy white car transforming into a submarine ...a new kind of water-sport !
"But James, I need you."
"So does England !"
RIP Bernard Lee AKA M (1908-1981)
RIP Curd Jürgens AKA Stromberg (1915-1982)
RIP Walter Gotell AKA General Gogol (1924-1997)
RIP Desmond Llewelyn AKA Q (1914-1999)
RIP Geoffrey Keen AKA British Defence Minister (1916-2005)
RIP Lois Maxwell AKA Moneypenny (1927-2007)
RIP Richard Kiel AKA Jaws (1939-2014)
RIP Roger Moore KBE AKA James Bond (1927-2017)
The Spy Who Loved Me = movie-trailer

1983 - 2023: 40 years of: James Bond - 13 Original Themes.
The soundtrack-compilation that spawns the early to mid-era classic Bond. From Connery to Lazenby, to Connery again and then Moore ...the 007 madness never stops.
From Louis Armstrong, to WINGS, to Nancy Sinatra, to Shirley Bassey ...these themes are a fine mix of vocal R&B, jazz and post-WW2 lounge music ...mostly epic John Barry signatures. The all-time top-class top-cut powerful performance is undoubtly Tom Jones's stellar "Thunderball" muscular exhibition.
This collection obviously includes the iconic "James Bond Theme", composed by Monty Norman in 1962. The 1:47sec short swing climax cut has rapidly become universally synonymous with instant sleek, savage and overall sophisticated cool testosterone-filled attitude. There is only one.
Released in 1983, during the post-Octopussy and pre-A View To A Kill era, the world of the mid 80s was in full motion and so was the Bond-brand. The glorious 60s and 70s heights were left to bite the dust, in the current cutting edge sci-fi and fantasy movie galore. All the new upcoming themes, 1985 and on, would now be performed by contemporary pop artists.
Nevermind the hype, Roger Moore, the man in the tuxedo will come back once last time, before the dark Timothy Dalton 1987-89 facelift. The James Bond legacy, a fiery feast for sights ...and sounds.
RIP John Barry OBE (1933-2011)
RIP Marvin Hamlisch (1944-2012)
RIP George Martin CBE (1926-2016)
RIP Monty Norman (1928-2022)
James Bond - 13 Original Themes = full LP
The story of the "James Bond Theme"

May 6, 1985 - 2020: 35 years of: A View To A Kill.
One of the greatest song of the 80s sadly spoiled ...for one of the most boring movie of the 80s.
...England's biggest export and synonymous with newwave and the MTV-pop generation of the explosive 80s.
...England's finest agent, MI6's best, servant to the Queen and synonymous with the 60s and 70s Cold War mind-games.
The song is a turning-point, commercially, for DURAN DURAN, adding more hooks and more drive to an already hot-catalog. The track chews you alive at first bite, the keyboard progression and Simon Le Bon's silky voice charms the listener until we all frenetically dance into the fire. Pretty boys, they were leaders of the Brit-pop race, closely followed by DEPECHE MODE. Enter legendary British composer John Barry. Mister Barry was already known as a soundtrack-composer and also penned 10 out of 13 Bond world-renown scores, including: Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball.
The match is heaven-made, as Le Bon and crew learned from the Master, while he himself, got a taste of this new young hip-trend that was sweeping discotheques across the globe.
Diametrically, the adventurous yet cheesy movie, sadly shows tiredness from EON Productions and it's licensed to kill special agent. They tried to incorporate the "computer element" that was setting in, in mid-decade, but the world-domination plot and expectations didn't match their previous classic works. Even Christopher Walken's devilish performance, Grace Jones's colorful exhibition and a #1 Billboard Chart-topping pop-song couldn't rejuvenate the franchise.
A View To A Kill would be Sir. Roger Moore's 7th and final incarnation as 007, the end of the less-classy-more-funny Bond-era with larger than life antagonist.
RIP Patrick Macnee AKA Tibbett (1922-2015)
RIP Roger Moore KBE AKA James Bond (1927-2017)
RIP Tanya Roberts AKA Stacey (1949-2021)
A View To A Kill = video
Live at Live Aid in 1985
A View To A Kill = movie-trailer
A View To A Kill = movie review
more James Bond:

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