way more Helter Skelter.

August 18, 1998 - 2023: 25 years of: The Spectral Spheres Coronation.
The other dark side of the Moon.
Recorded in 1996, their '97 debut Ode To The Nightsky MCD, was cold symphonic blackmetal ...synonymous with the current times. And in a full 66.6º, these lovely Norwegian would hit the launch-pad and reach beyond the Milky Way. In a blackmetal and powermetal infested scene, MUNDANUS IMPERIUM brings forth: Progressive Space-Metal !
A lively bohemian feel grasps the vibe as soon as "Distant Conglomeration" fires away. Energetic vocals with high pace rock / metal, with keyboards adding ethereal layers ...and flute. Is this the same band from two years ago ?
More alien power rolls on the satellite cut "Starwars" and the jazzy progression blooms on "The Life Of What You Seek". The instrumental "Beyond The Earthy" displays their best PINK FLOYD appreciation, while the bonus reprise for RAINBOW's "Stargazer" is a fine futuristic rendition of said classic.
Intergalactic Metal is at our doorstep. Released on Nuclear Blast Records in crowded 1998, the underground was hot, but the scene was not ready for them. Although, they did get a Norwegian Grammy 1999 nomination, losing to COVENANT's Nexus Polaris.
Sadly this adventurous trek would abruptly end, as the band would soon separate ...there will not be another Space Mission.
The Spectral Spheres Coronation = full CD

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