1974 - Rush.
1975 - Fly By Night.
1975 - Caress Of Steel.
1976 - 2112
1977 - A Farewell To Kings.
1978 - Hemispheres.
1980 - Permanent Waves.
1981 - Moving Pictures.
way more Helter Skelter.

March 18, 1974 - 2024: 50 years of: Rush.

Ground Zero for greatness.

1974's rock-hard landscape included the classic string of heavy-hitters such as: DEEP PURPLE's revival in Burn, QUEEN's Sheer Heart Attack and JUDAS PRIEST's debut Rock Rolla LP. While Great-Britain created heavyrock, the Great White North would soon follow behind with BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE ...and the to-become heroes: RUSH !

They are: Geddy Lee on vocals and bass, Alex Lifeson on guitars and drummer John Rutsey. Only one album was released under this lineup, before worldwide phenomenon, eventual FM-hits and decade-long success ...and it all started with simple: meat & potatoes heavyrock.

The driving riff of "Finding My Way" kicks-off the 40min celebration. All decibel-driven, you know you're in for a serious rocknroll exhibition from the second Lee's screeching vocals yell: "Yeah ! Oh yeah !". The foot-stompin' "Need Some Love" keeps the groove in check and the progressive off-pace intro of "Take A Friend" proves that, unlike some critics at the time ...this is a no-ZEP Zone.

The tearful "Here Again" is an emotional ballad that displays up-scale musicianship from the Torontonians. Lifeson's dramatic lead-work shines at the 4:36 to 6:34sec mark. The very foundations of hard-rocknroll itself are benchmarked against the pentatonic power-house of "What You're Doing". The blunt riff and saccade echoed-vocals puts the heavy in heavyrock ...and no this ain't a SABBATH left-over.

The easy one-night tell no lies "In The Mood" should be one of rocknroll required-listening. The boys, along the cow-bell, are in the mood and in full control. In your wildest dreams, have you ever though today's Lee could have ran away with a line like: "I just want to rocknroll-you woman, until the night is gone" ...was Mick Jagger ghost-writing for this band ?

The slow intro of "Before And After" progressively starts and then the massive power-chord splits eardrums apart. Heavy-drumming, heavy-guitars, heavy-bass and heavy-vocals: heavymetal before heavymetal ? ...this track is a cold hard fact.

The album ends with a standing-ovation, one of Mankind's greatest and strongest guitar-riffs ever. No not "Smoke On The Water", not "Sunshine Of Your Love" and not "Frankenstein" ...but the stellar: "Working Man". The ultimate old-school anthem RUSH cut. A true blue-collar rock-machine and another heavymetallesque-piece crafted way before the term was widely used. Let that deep deadly E5-chord penetrate you thru every pore. A smoking mix of a monolithic riff, a solid drum-pattern and that voice that sets them apart, so much that this track is the key-moment into the band being signed to a major record-deal that would eventually thrust them into rock-domination.

There is no "Off-Position" on the genius-switch !

Fortunately / unfortunately, the Rutsey-collaboration would come to a rapid end in mid 1974, opening the door for the creation of the ultimate continuum of the united immortal elements of: Lee + Lifeson + Neil Peart.

Throughout the milky-way, RUSH, the band and the album, are both rock majesty, excellence and masterpieces. The working men would set the pace to high with 1975's Fly By Night LP.

RIP John Rutsey (1952-2008)

Rush = full LP
Live in St-Catherines in 1974
Unboxed 40 years LP

February 14, 1975 - 2025: 50 years of: Fly By Night.

With their 1974's self-titled debut-LP, some critics rapidly labeled RUSH as a mere ZEPPELIN-clone ...the Torontonian terror were bound to prove that there were not a mere fly by night. Even before the touring-cycle began, the trio broke apart, as drummer John Rutsey was let go, for his own good. His diabetic health was not ready for the rocknroll-lifestyle of the seventies.

Welcome Neil Peart ...the dawn of a new era in rock.

Now on tour, camaraderie united and fused the three rebels. In Peart, Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee did not only got an amazing friend, but an accomplished lyricist and drum genius. Pushing away the blues-based classicrock-signatures, the unit was now open for exploration and musical experimentation, that would be the band's trendsetting sound for decades to come.

The now classic anthem "Anthem" punches away hard as the opening-track. Meaner and meatier, this one reeks early metal-roots. Bigger and fuller production, the steamroller is on full blast. The boys really did the "Best I Can" in this short 3:29sec to-the-point rock cut ...never a dull moment. Fine folk-guitars of "Making Memories" are instantly addictive as the title-track for "Fly By Night" is another riff-driven piece, that explores beautiful melodies. Diametrically, the camp-fire ballad "Rivendell" is a beautiful back-to-basic acoustic soundscape.

The record's cornerstone is explicitly displayed with the epic "By-Tor & The Snow Dog", an 8min+ showcase that would become the band's voice for future generations. Fast paced intro and groove that breaks apart into an adventure at the 1:46sec mark. Full-on drum climax at the 3:50sec followed by the break-down riffing and dreaming away at the 4:41sec mark. The lead-guitar knocks on heaven's door at the 6:28sec point, as the main back-bone picks-up again at 7:32sec. This ricochet-track sums up RUSH and their impressive beginnings. Unparalleled musicianship !

The rock hard Fly By Night LP cemented the band as a legitimate act in the exciting ever changing music landscape of the mid 70s. From great to greatest, RUSH would again challenge themselves and rock music as a whole with Caress Of Steel in Autumn 1975.

RIP Neil Peart, The Professor (1952-2020)

Anthem = video
Fly By Night = video
Fly By Night = full LP
Live in Pensylvania in 1975
some guy

September 24, 1975 - 2020: 45 years of: Caress Of Steel.

I think they're going bald !

Quick rock-fact: RUSH shaped the hemispheres of heavyrock not once, but TWICE, in a single calendar-year. On February 15, the cacophonous Canuck trio released the impressive Fly By Night LP, the first collaboration and ultimate incarnation of RUSH, featuring then new drummer Neil Peart. Six months later, with album #3, they are back, better and balder.

Moving away from the British pentatonic-rock standards, the boys were now fully immersed in a progressive-journey, that would make them rulers of the genre for 2112 years to come. play and roll the bones !

The album is a two faced show of hands:

Part A:
Three fast-n-short tracks that not only displays some commercial appeal, but also solid guitar-driven cuts. Frenchies unite on "Bastille Day", a rock-machine that kick majors-asses, oui, oui. The fat rocking funny titled "I Think I'm Going Bald" raises awareness amongst rockers to the eventual fate that awaits us all, while "Lakeside Park" is about a local area where Neil Peart once had a summer-job as a teen.

Part B:
What started on the Fly By Night LP, with the epic "By-Tor & The Snow Dog" was once again displayed on the tour-de-force "The Necromancer". A full 12:32sec whirlwind rock-fury. After the snakey intro, red-hot distorted guitars welcomes you into the terrordome. Lead-guitars that defy the stereo-effect at 5:28sec and then all of the elements of Mother Nature goes into overdrive at the 7:01sec mark. No turning back ! The beautiful acoustic-intro of "The Fountain Of Lamneth" is disturbed by high-voltage amplifiers at the 1:42sec point of no return. The aggressive-progressive tempo reaches Biblical proportion leading to the greatest drum-fill in human-history at the 4:17sec mark: "Didacts And Narpets" ...Neil (kneel) to your Master ! A voyage into the outer reaches of the musical spectrum, a complete 19:58sec saga.

Progrock is now official. Actual heavyrock immersed in progressive crescendos. RUSH is now officially a band to be reckoned with. Brits and Americans loudness-merchants were all in awe, trying to comprehend this untouchable musical craftsmanship ...45 years later, they are still searching.

Three's a charm.

Caress Of Steel = full LP
Live in 1975

April 1, 1976 - 2021: 45 years of: 2112

"Attention all planets of the Solar Federation"

Look up to the sky comes the Starman, the ultimate rock star. Canada's pride and joy, hard-rocking and providing excellency since 1974's debut Rush LP.

The album that almost wasn't meant to be, as their label Mercury Records was tired of their lukewarm reception and the 9, 12 and 19min epics on their previous records. The Canucks lied themselves into one last deal: open wide. And just as rare as a 4-leaf clover, the band's 4th album is not a stroke of luck: it is a body of hard work of perfect cutting-edge rock music crafted by this trailblazing space power-trio.

Head towards the rising sun, on "A Passage To Bangkok", a suave rock guitar track with FM-tones. Light yet heavy, this band never disappoints. On the other side of the lightness, we dwell into "The Twilight Zone", a eerie venture dedicated to the morbid TV-show of the same name.

The folky "Lessons" punches away with Lee's stylistic high-pitched voice, while the melancholic and mesmerizing ballad "Tears" is sure to make you shed a few. The closing piece, the beautiful "Something For Nothing" starts-off with a classical intro but rapidly thrusts into a whirlwind of rock hard concrete.

And now to Side A.
Welcome to a full 20 minute trek into futuristic rock. "2112" is the ultimate rocknroll supernova. Then, now and forever !

The intro-punches rings aloud throughout the Milky Way, until the raw galloping rhythms sets-in at 1:32sec. Pressure builds-up until the total machiavellian ending at 3:35sec. Alone in the dark unto the discovery of this familiar stringed-device at 6:49sec. The lullaby slowly lits the room into massive heavymetal fireworks at 10:16sec, how can a trio be so loud ? "Listen to my music" Lee firmly commands. All cylinders glows at full RPM on cue at the 12:58sec lunch-pad where we all blast-off deep into the unknown. Lifeson's guitar-lead decapitates everything in sight and suddenly stops at the 13:52sec mark. The 14:51sec breaking-point reaches Biblical proportions, when Mother Nature collides with RUSH. Nothing is spared. Still alive and well at the 16:01sec point, where once again we oddly get to rest calmly next a forgotten river-side, for now. Final boarding, all aboard, the 18:18sec mark is our point of no return, as we forever leave this world. Distorted guitars, crushing thumping bass and Peart's thunderous drums, propels-us into oblivion, into the 19:46sec cataclysmic grand-finale, where all ends. Pure genius, pure madness.

"Alright will you please welcome home: RUUUSH !!!"

Alive, amped and afire, thank God all of this fury was immortalized to tape on the "All The World's A Stage" live in YYZ, companion LP ...we dare to ask again: how can this trio be so loud ?

Make no mistake about it, RUSH are the senior architects of rock, no band has matched this larger than life tour-de-force. Unique in the universe, the progressive-elements that started with 1975's Caress Of Steel LP would strike back with 1977's gigantic A Farewell To Kings LP. Make no mistake about it, RUSH are the EPCOT Center of hardrock.

RIAA-certified 3x Platinum, culturally, historically and aesthetically significant, 45 rich years strong, 2112 is the Mount Everest of progressive-rock that transcend generations and continues to inspire. Be patient my friends 91 years it shall all make sense.

"We have assumed control - we have assumed control - we have assumed control."

2112 = full LP
All The World's A Stage = full LP
Live in 1976

September 1, 1977 - 2022: 45 years of: A Farewell To Kings.

Hail the Kings !

Just to think, for a single second, that in gool ol' 1976, Mercury Records almost didn't release 2112 is a mind-boggling scenario. But then again, there has never been a pre-2112, nor there has never been a post-2112 ...well. Both 1975's "By-Tor & The Snow Dog" and "The Fountain Of Lamneth" are genesis explosions about to welcome another member in the family.

A beautiful classical intro, featuring chimes and the Minimoog. Bow down and salute as we wish a "A Farewell To Kings". Raw rock and exquisite drumming, RUSH never sounded so happy to be alive. More loud guitars rings aloud on "Cinderella Man", while the dreamy heavens of "Madrigal" displays another sphere of sounds.

Deep into the minds of RUSH, we find another trek of time-defying proportions. The 11min+ dramatic hardrock quest of "Xanadu" is futuristic twilight-zone traveling. While the LP's closer, the godly achievement of "Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage" is a monstrous 10min+ fusion of off-set beats, dry guitar slashes, funk-flaired bass and cranium-splitting vocals. An epic adventure beyond, beyond Four Parts.

Diametrically, the poprock appealing single "Closer To The Heart" is a perfect 2:55sec package for the FM-format ...they have assumed control !

RIAA-certified Gold, the A Farewell To Kings era cemented the band as a mature act with matching double-neck guitars and forerunners in progressiverock as they would continue global success, starting with 1978's Hemispheres LP.

Closer To The Heart = video
Xanadu = video
A Farewell To Kings = full LP
Alex shows his guitars in 1977
Live in 1977

October 29, 1978 - 2023: 45 years of: Hemispheres.

Caught in the middle.

Leaving the madrigal Monarchy behind in 1977, RUSH were now comfortable tip-toeing between both hemispheres of rock. From long-scale prog to hardrock, RUSH's last rites as space-rock trailblazer was being laid down.

The grandiose 18:09sec "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres" is a clever suite to "Book I". From ethereal sounds to exquisite-rock, this loud adventure is a crisp lesson in progressive-rock and deep RUSH-izm. The LP's last-track, the 9:35sec instru-mental exploration of "La Villa Strangiato (An Exercise In Self-Indulgence)" is indeed an exercise in beyond, beyond musicianship. Both epic-cuts also display snippets of previously used time-signatures.

Never turn your back on a monster.

The cool slick guitars delivers on the short "Circumstances", matched with off-set drums and lovely keyboards, while "The Trees"s mammoth attack comically explains an unmistakable forest-only struggle.

Both hemispheres of rock, on a 36min LP.

Recorded at Rockfield Studios again, from the left hand path to the right hand path, RUSH were now fully packed and ready to tease the limelight FM rock-radio market ...starting with 1980's Permanent Waves LP.

Circumstances = video
The Trees = video
Hemispheres = full LP
Interview in 1979
Live at Pinkpop in 1979

January 29, 1980 - 2025: 45 years of: Permanent Waves.

Storming like a tornado.

Still caught between both hemispheres, RUSH's evolution would now put a closure on the adventurous 70s the band would head to Morin-Heights Quebec to create more magic at: Le Studio.

"The Spirit Of Radio" comfortably sits aside both: prog and pop. Another taste of Americanized rock is proposed on "Freewill" and the slick riffing of "Entre Nous". Like a switchblade, they build a grandiose monument with "Jacob's Ladder" filled with might and crunch, while the 9:13sec foundations of "Natural Science" really is a sweet caress made of steel.

From this strange Villa, the heritage is strong. The best of both worlds, as the RIAA-certified Platinum was achieved during the rocknroll tide changing of 1980.

Even more tempted by a rock-formula with simpler signatures, RUSH would rearrange the decor with 1981's picture perfect Moving Pictures LP.

RIP Le Studio (1972-2003)

Permanent Waves = full LP
Interview in 1980
Live in St.Louis in 1980
some band

February 12, 1981 - 2021: 40 years of: Moving Pictures.

RUSH's 1981 Moving Pictures is more than one of rocknroll's greatest album of all-time: it could possibly be rocknroll's greatest album of all-time !

Bold statement indeed, but when you take into consideration RUSH's clean track-record, their 40+ year career, the stable lineup, the FM-hits, the Platinum Awards, the respect from their peers from all musical avenues, the RnRHoF ...all of this straight outta Los Ange ....I mean rainy Londo ...I shout: from fuckin' Toronto !!!

From the rawness of almost heavymetal with 1974's Rush LP, evolving to 1976's 2112 futuristic grandiose ensemble, to Farewell To Kings's progressive prowess ...Moving Pictures is all of these fine elements, with a commercial twist, that brought the band to new heights: both musically and financially.

Jazz-rock ? prog-rock ? AOR ? ...this trio has it all. We mortal humans are nothing next to Geddy Lee, Neil Peart and Alex Lifeson.

Tom Sawyer = video
Moving Pictures = full LP
Le Studio

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