The Terminator.
way more Helter Skelter.

October 26, 1984 - 2024: 40 years of: The Terminator.
Step aside Darth Vader.
A new lethal killing-machine is taking over. Pop-culture please welcome, the painless and heartless cyborg, the perfect mechanism: the T-800 ...were muscles and pistons unite under the flag of fear.
Sent from the future to 1984 Los Angeles, Skynet's metal-warrior is on a mission to prevent their current dire events. With cool biker-looks, laser pin-point eyes and shotgun-firing skills, the hunt is on poor Sarah Connor. Rampant in the streets, another droïd arrives to counter-attack this evil unwanted guest. Can Reese save Sarah and stop the God-like threat ?
Sci-fi's sorry ass got a size 11.5 boot to the face. Pushing the muscle-man / robot-man hybrid into the limelight, this new genre of futuristic movie-action would fully bloom into the 80's modus-operandi.
"I'll be back."
Schwarzenegger was already a force to reckon with, as he would now become a from beyond force to reckon with. Conan becomes the Terminator that would later become the Predator and the Running Man. But before becoming the last action hero, Arnold would fight against the T-1000 on 1991's super-sequel: Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
2029 is five years ahead you think Skynet is a reality now ?
RIP Paul Winfield AKA Ed Traxler (1939-2004)
RIP Bill Paxton AKA punk (1955-2017)
RIP Dick Miller AKA gun store clerk (1928-2019)
RIP Franco Columbo AKA body double (1941-2019)
RIP Earl Boen AKA Dr. Silberman (1941-2023)
The Terminator = movie trailer
The Terminator = the making of

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