1992 - Legion.
way more Helter Skelter.
June 9, 1992 - 2022: 30 years of: Legion.
The most evil of deathmetal.
1992 - Tampa - Satanic Death-Metal ...not for the weak at heart. The scene was in full motion, still afire from DEICIDE's 1990 self-titled debut CD and from the ensuing 1991's deathmetal explosion. DEICIDE had a massive foot-print and things were about to get uglier. As a dedication, frontman Glen Benton burned an inverted-cross on his forehead. This real-life scar of the crucifix represents the hate against holiness and their hypochristian beliefs ...your turn Scandinavia.
The morbid intro, the lambs of God are being led to the slaughter and then total desecration as "Satan Spawn, The Caco-Daemon" strikes at Mach IV speed. One of the most brutal opening in metal-history, no contest. Sick and brutal, matched with unholy high-pitched and deep growls: this is pure satanic deathmetal !
No time to die, feel your last pulse as you're "Dead But Dreaming" ...a massive bulldozer devoid of reason and pity. The decapitation continues with "Behead The Prophet (No Lord Shall Live)" and the eternal incineration of "In Hell I Burn". Broken glass and insane riff-o-rama dominates, as this rotten world is trapped inside the "Trifixion", an infernal purgatory. The record's closer grinds with a divine pile-driving force, as Glen Benton the Bible-puncher spews: "Revocate The Agitator".
The fatal formula is intact: Morrisound, Burns & Roadrunner. Perfect razor guitar-tone from the Hoffman-brothers, barbaric drumming from Steve Asheim supported by clanking-bass mids and authoritarian vocals from Benton. This nuclear package is the definite conclusion in the deathmetal-race: 29 minutes of total fucking Armageddon !!!
Follow the path to blackness: POSSESSED's 1985 Seven Churches, SLAYER's 1986 Reign In Blood ...and a full six years until Legion. Deathmetal perfection, Legion is one of the most vile recordings ever put to tape and tops most hateful releases in the last 30years in the genre, blackmetal included.
Evil unleashed shall ascend again, in a very, very different metal-landscape, with 1995's sacrificial Once Upon The Cross CD.
I AM A KEY !!!
Legion = full CD
Interview in 1992
One on one with Bob Larson
Live in Milwaukee in 1992

#Frères métalliques

#At Death's Door

#Death-Metal 1988-92

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