1988 - Danzig.
1992 - DANZIG III: How The Gods Kill.
1994 - DANZIG 4p.
1999 - DANZIG 6:66 Satans Child.
more DANZIG.
way more Helter Skelter.

August 30, 1988 - 2023: 35 years of: Danzig.
From dark-punk to dark-rock.
After trashing morbid-punk, Glenn Danzig's new ambitions would morph into blues / heavyrock. A supergroup of misfits of darkness: Glenn on vocals, ex-ROSEMARY'S BABIES ex-SAMHAIN Eerie Von on bass, ex-DOA ex-BLACK FLAG ex CIRCLE JERKS punk-royalty on drums Chuck Biscuits ...and Peabody Institute classical and Towson University jazz guitar graduate: John Christ. Intended as an eventual SAMHAIN IV LP, the newly revamped crew of henchman were now simply known as: DANZIG.
The death-tone rings aloud as the maniacal riff of "Twist Of Cain" breaks your stereo in half. The crushing continues on the riff-o-rama of "Not Of This World" and the Mistress of the night treks on "She Rides" ...true rebel-rock with 50s biker attitude.
The matriarchal "Mother" rapidly became DANZIG's totemistic anthem. Pentatonic paradise, a monolith of metallic proportions, spiked with classicrock esthetics and blues architecture. Two fast killers in the form of "Am I Demon" and the LP's closer "Evil Thing" coronate this frolic on the left hand path. This is the new incarnation of Glenn Danzig: the real root of all evil.
A counterculture on it's own, deep in 1988's hardrock and thrashmetal supernova. The DANZIG moniker stood tall and would spread fear and interest, from a scene in dire need for serious black rock. RIAA-certified Gold and Rick Rubin produced, the rockabilly vibe is alive and shall return with 1990's tales from the darkside: DANZIG II: Lucifuge.
Twist Of Cain = video
Mother = video
She Rides = video
Am I Demon = video
Danzig = full LP
Danzig = full VHS
MTV Interview in 1989
Live in 1988

July 14, 1992 - 2022: 30 years of: DANZIG III: How The Gods Kill.
July 1992: a dirty black summer.
In heavymetal-hostile 1992, let's be thankful the dark Chosen Ones brought classic heavymetal to the table. After the bluesier adventure of 1990's Lucifuge, the hellish foursome of DANZIG shines under the moonlight with their best material ever.
The unholy power of drummer Chuck Biscuits hammers down the opening of "Godless" and all the elements of Mother Nature goes into overdrive. The 6:51sec goes from doom, to classic BLACK SABBATH-metal and displays Glenn Danzig's best attribute. The blues bass-line of "Bodies" and "Heart Of The Devil" thrust the album further into perfection, while the metalized "Do You Wear The Mark" and "Left Hand Black" is sure to please any headbanger.
The MTV-single of "Dirty Black Summer" might very well be 1992's best track, especially hot on John Christ's blazing guitar-lead. The gothic powerballad for "How The Gods Kill" is an eerie standout-cut and the darkness keeps on rolling with the morbid Roy Orbison-meets-THE CURE vibed "Sistinas".
The perfect mix has finally been achieved for DANZIG and also, the perfect artwork from the perfect artist: H.R. Giger. The audacious 1976 Meister Und Margerita painting is fully displayed on the record-sleeve and fully put to life on the accompanying promo-video.
The following 1993 Thrall-Demonsweatlive MCD would provide more metal-muscle with "It's Coming Down", "The Violet Fire" and the Elvis Presley immortal "Trouble". Celebrating this new-found commercial-appeal, the 1988 track "Mother" did find noticeable airplay in this twisted era of new heavyrock.
The next step would be 1994's grisly experimental 4p CD. This new BDSM outlook would embrace some shades of industrial and would be the final union of the classic DANZIG lineup.
"I'm gonna stand on the top of the world and ...challenge the heavens !"
Dirty Black Summer = video
How The Gods Kill = video
Sistinas = video
Bodies = video
How The Gods Kill = full CD
Interview in 1992
It's Coming Down = video
Some band

October 3, 1994 - 2024: 30 years of: DANZIG 4p.
Metal's darkest cloud.
These misfits don't give a fuck about alternative, they dwell in the left hand black. Still towering after 1992's How The Gods Kill CD and tired of being alive, this new offering shall coronate the band's first epoch.
Cutting-edge speedmetal lights the darkness away on "Brand New God" and the equivalently brutal "Bringer Of Death". More evil possessions are hailed on the tri-toned "Dominion" and the blues-scaled "Going Down To Die". Modern aggression is presented on the leading-single "Until You Call On The Dark" and the power-punch of "I Don't Mind The Pain".
Before entering the 7th House, the experimentations would spring on "Cantspeak", their first on-hand electronica-vibed cut. A technological-twist, reprised on the unlisted "Invocation" black aria hidden-track.
From under their black wings and still providing melodramatic themes, both morbid powerballads of "Stalker Song" and the epic grand finale of "Let It Be Captured" ...could be 1994's gloomiest tracks.
The beginning and the end, not because of 1994's metal-hostile scene, but by inner band turmoil. Drum-tracks recorded, Chuck Biscuits had already left before the CD came out ...and at the conclusion of the Summer 1995 tour, both Eerie Von and John Christ left the once magical unit. A unique band, from zenith to oblivion in a mere year.
4p ...the epilogue of DANZIG's classic rock / metal era.
In a complete 90° rebuilt and rebrand, Glenn would surround himself with controversy with the fully sampled industrial 1996's Blackacidevil CD.
Until You Call On The Dark = video
Cantspeak = video
I Don't Mind The Pain = video
4p = full CD
Interview in Phoenix in 1994
Live at Rock Am Ring in 1995
some kids

November 2, 1999 - 2024: 25 years of: DANZIG 6:66 Satans Child.
A brutal comeback.
After the complete 90° rebuilt and rebrand of DANZIG 5: Blackacidevil CD ...Glenn would take one-step back and rekindle with current modern metal-tones. Reinjecting the seed of evil into the mix, this new-born offspring is Satan's child.
A firm grip chokes the scene into submission, as these "Five Finger Crawl" on the "Belly Of The Beast". Defiant and unexpected metal-monsters, the giant title-track for "Satan's Child" crushes the naysayers, yes the "Unspeakable" Glenn Danzig is back in full form.
The doom-factor hits hard on both "Lilin" and "Apokalips", as shades of electronica appears on "Into The Mouth Of Abandonment" and the black aria callings of "East Indian Devil (Kali's Song)". Dying under the moonlight, a nameless victim is once again sacrificed in front of the "Cult Without A Name", while diametrically, the folk-rock sadness of "Thirteen" closes this lucifuge ceremony ...a track written for and performed by Johnny Cash in 1994.
After 1996's industrial-themed Blackacidevil-era, DANZIG was back on track. Released in November for total Samhain worship and back to aggressive twisted-metal, albeit missing the beloved blues-flair, DANZIG is back to cutting edge blackness. The worship got bloody real, as a surprise month-long death-rock SAMHAIN tour was presented in November 1999 ...an homage for his unholy passion.
While the late 90s market was now shared with blackmetal hate-mongers, Glenn would stick to his guns by presenting his last numerological suite with 2002's DANZIG 777: I Luciferi CD.
Five Finger Crawl = video
Satans Child = full CD
SAMHAIN live in 1999
MuchMusic interview in 2000
more DANZIG:




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